Global Craftiness

Looking back over the past 5 years of blogging I came across a stat that I wanted to share. It isn’t about numbers, posts, hits or shares – although the geek in me LOVES all of those things. It’s about countries. Craft Schmaft readers come from all over the world… quite literally. Here’s is a chart that shows where readers have come from in the past 7 days. Check it out! Wow.

It just goes to show that craft is truly global. And while I can’t travel quite like I used to, and oh how I miss it,  I can blog all over the world. God bless the interweb. So as a little experiment I’d love it if you left a comment to tell me what you can see out the window, or what it looks like from wherever you’re reading this?

I’ll start. I can see ornamental pear trees in full blossom outside my window, it’s a sunny spring day in Sydney, Australia.

Your turn… what can you see? Go on…

28 thoughts on “Global Craftiness

  1. Hi!
    I can only see darkness from my window right now – its 11:05 pm… That’s not really noteworthy, but what is noteworthy is that it has been pretty much dark since 7 pm tonight. Fall is definitely here and the daylight seems to shrink every day now. Lots of opportunities to burn the midnight…(7:00).. oil, crafting!

  2. In Melbourne, Australia, it’s gorgeous & sunny!! I can see the yukky wooden fence out the window but I have my 7 week old son in my arms – he is much nicer to look at 🙂

  3. It’s a Saturday morning here in the UK. I can’t see much outside as the sun is only just up. I’m seriously considering putting the heating on for the first time since last spring 😦

  4. I can see my apple tree heavy with fruit that needs to be picked,might make an apple cake this sunny Saturday in the south of England, UK

  5. I can see a brick wall. Not particularly inspiring but it keeps me focussed! (I am a geek too because I just Googled “how to spell focussed”. It’s one “s” in the US and two “s”s in OZ/UK!)

    Happy 5 years blogging! I’m coming up for that milestone myself soon….

    Marina x

    • Brick walls may be the future for me too Marina, very smart! I used to try working in a cafe looking out over a beach – hopeless. Never got anything done! Loving the geek in you, thanks so much for commenting.

  6. Iti is sunny and crisp and I see a wall of mostly green oaks and maples – with here and there a leaf that has changed color, reminding me that yesterday ws the first day of fall – Maryland, just outside of Washington DC, USA

  7. I’m in bed (lazy Sunday sleep in) and if I tip my head back to peek thru the window above me I see sunny blue skies! I can also hear birds. Australia is pulling up an amazing Spring so far 🙂

  8. Hello Claire, happy 5 years of blogging!
    I came across your site through pinterest , I must say I love it! Very inspiring. I just finished a sock bear for my nephew, but looking for more now I saw your site!
    It is a beautiful sunny monday Morning (i know, i know) and fall does not seem to come here until october, so it’s really warm in Izmir, Turkey 🙂

  9. Hello Claire, happy 5 years of blogging!
    I came across your site through pinterest , I must say I love it! Very inspiring. I just finished a sock bear for my nephew, but looking for more now I saw your site!
    It is a beautiful sunny monday Morning (i know, i know) and fall does not seem to come here until october, so it’s really warm in Izmir, Turkey 🙂

  10. I can see the rain thrashing down on the trees surrounding Newstead Abbey from my work window (can’t see the abbey though 😦 ) it’s a miserably grim day here today – summer (what summer?!?!?!) is well and truly over for us but Autumn is and has always been my favourite season!

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