Cloudy with a chance of craft

It’s been perfect weather for crafting in Sydney – cold, cloudy and soooo Winter.

Earlier this year I created a set of paper clouds (that I’m sure you’ve seen all over the interwebby) to hang from my stand at the craft fair. They were so admired and, being a craft fair, many people assumed they were crafted from fabric. It got me thinking that it would be wonderful to be able to craft some from my ridiculously huge stash of fabric for the small’s freshly painted room. I can tell you that there is way more fabric in this house than there is paper… even if you count the books! So I got going with some fusible webbing, trusty iron and dipped into the stash.

Never one to stick with white, I pulled out this beautiful pink that I’ve had for years and the smallest piece of hand printed linen that I adore.

They were really quick to make and I have to say, I LOVE them hanging in Frankie’s room. Being a very metro two year old he’s quite partial to a splash of pink.

Fabric Cloud Hanging Craft

Fabric Clouds Light

There are loads of tutorials around for the paper versions of these (Paper Kawaii, Petite Comeaux and many others)  and I’d love to credit the original creator but I have no idea who that was. Leave a comment if you’d like me to put together a full tutorial for the fabric version – if there’s enough interest I’ll get it posted on the blog with a cloud pattern template.

Happy Crafting!


25 thoughts on “Cloudy with a chance of craft

    • Oh I do love a good arm twist! Love the idea of them hanging in a craft room, perhaps I should have kept them for myself instead of putting them in the small’s room.

  1. I am SO taken with clouds crafting! I just finished a clouds stationery box myself and I can’t wait to make more! Your clouds are so lovely and simple!

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